Friday, August 31, 2012


An article was recently put up on Before It's News, an online site supposedly dedicated to the truth. TruthResearcher put up an article explaining the real reason Gillson's YouTube Channel was shut down, because of excessively and wrongfully filling DMCA claims.   Before It's News is suppose to be a defender of free speech, but from the looks of it, this is not the case. 

So, in typical Donny Gillson fashion, he has now had that article removed.  This is all in an effort to keep the truth from everyone on the kind of person he Really is.  He will stop at nothing to take away the rights of anyone he doesn't like to exercise their right to free speech.

Gillson even has the balls to brag about it on his FaceBook page:

If this was happening to Gillson he would be screaming at the top of his lungs about it, and yet he is free to censor anyone that he wishes. If you believe in the right to freedom of speech, if you feel that Gillson is over stepping his rights, then please contact BIN and ask them to reinstate the article.

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