Thursday, July 12, 2012

Donny Gillson's Religious Rantings

Wow. Here's an interesting exchange with Donny Gillson. Seems that he really has no scientific data to back up his claims about this "System" or "Nibiru". To quote him, "science and the bible well I choose the BIBLE..sorry :) But it has been fun I really must go the show starts in about an hour and I have to make sure I drop about 2 hits of LSD before I head out! LOL!"

The exchange below is just a sample of entries from a blog site set up to show Donny Gillson a/k/a Urusadams a/k/a Don Adams a/k/a Ben Enoch... there are far too many aliases to list here... He was asked numerous times to explain or produce his research and to state which scientists, Universities, or other scientific bodies had verified his work.  Each time he reverted back to religious ramblings, always avoiding even addressing the questions, let alone answering them. 

WHY, WHY, WHY do you avoid simple questions? I asked a NON RELIGIOUS question and you refuse to answer it. I have said I will not get into a religious debate with you, and yet you plod on with your closed mind.

So, that tells me you HAVE NO RESEARCH BEYOND STEALING OTHER PEOPLES WORK, YOU HAVE NOT VERIFIED ANYTHING WITH ANYONE. And you know why? Because every self repecting scientist would LAUGH at you. That's why. Sad, sad, and very pathetic. Like I said, you need to get back on your meds like to court ordered, and yes, I saw THAT public record as well.

you answer mine..i will answer yours plain and simple tit for tat..shall we dance :0 OBTW where is the criminal record of those two ID theft charges as well?? I would really like to see those hehehe..why can you not produce a conviction?? Because there is NONE!! LOL! :) Love and I state I am off to see Micky Hart of the Grateful Dead..Time to hang with all my hippie pot smoking friends..

Not the same old shit it has held on for many of centuries way before you and I were even thought of and actually I can speak tongues on demand..and you know this how?? Have you been told this by the holy spirit? What makes you an expert on tongues..I would like to know where you get your evidence on this..can you produce actual scientific evidence to show that you can not speak tongue on demand. On would be willing to debate that one...Yep even a Catholic Priest, many actually, have been impressed with my speaking in the Holy Spirit. So you demand of me proof of Nibiru. Well, I demand your evidence on how tongues is suppose to be spoken..DO you see how you all run in circles..thinking you are all the know it alls as well..NONE of us KNOW SHITE! So get over it. My truth is my truth and your truth is your truth..But see what you are doing is trying to make people believe your utter maddness too..I know my stuff is off the wall that is why I say listen to the silent voice that speaks inside your head don not believe it what I say believe yourself instead? Since you watch my videos you would know that statement.

Actually in all of the videos I've listened to of his, I've never once heard him say "Listen to the silent voice that speaks inside your head do not believe it what I say believe yourself instead."  I've listened to a lot of hours of his bunk and never once heard him utter that. And speaking in tongues on demand?  I really doubt any Catholic Priest would buy into that.

As you can see in the above exchange he over and over refuses to answer two simple questions; #1 what are the mathematical calculations he used to find his "systems, planets, objects", and #2 give the name of one (only one) scientist who has verified his so called research.  The problem is, he has no "research" and given the tripe I've seen in his videos, no self respecting scientist would do anything but laugh at his findings.  

As this exchange goes on, he also talks about "smoking a bowl" with Christ? Oh dear. Somehow I have a problem visualizing Christ "smoking a bowl" with anyone.  Does he really do drugs?  Well, that remains to be seen, but he has said himself on many, many occasions that he uses pot.  So who really knows?  Maybe it's drug abuse that fuels  his rantings and irrational carrying on.   But, as you can see from the exchanges, this guy is a first class nutjob. He won't answer a direction question about research or verification, he simply falls back onto his religious ramblings, and as said (above) he would choose the Bible over science.  So basically, he's saying that all of his "findings" and "research" are nothing more than his interpretations of the Bible.  Now, don't get me wrong, there's not a thing wrong with choosing the Bible, I believe that everyone is entitled to their own faith. However, when you're out there putting up videos and stating that things that you see in space are planets  and systems coming to hit the earth and destroy us all, while using only the Bible and no scientific research to back up your claims, then I have a problem with it.  Remember, this man claims that every artifact in a space photo, every nebula and even ordinary stars are ships, planets, and systems coming to hit the earth and bring about his predicted "Doom".  He suffers from Pareidolia and see's faces, shapes, and all kinds of things in ordinary objects. 

Even religious groups have tried to help him, but he will have none of it. Here's an example of a letter sent by Donny Gillson and the response sent to him from a religious group on a yahoo group: 

Letter from Donny: 


Dear Children of God, To be alone in your mind is just a wonderful time for you to think about me. Now sit back and relax and speak with thee. I will, answer you. All you have to do is call upon me, God, and I will come to you. I know you are anxious, sick, frustrated, and filled with all of the rest of the negatives in the world. However, things are happening for a reason and I love you all. Just hang in there for I am on my way to you. Life is like a box of chocolates you will never know what you are going get. Your life purpose has been drawn out in the stars. I will take you anywhere you want to go if you follow in my footsteps - grounding yourself and thinking with rational thought. 

You long for your loved ones whom have died. Well do not worry they will be with you soon my dear children of the Lord. You look at other people's love but it pains you to be so alone. Do not worry my children for you will have all the love you have ever wanted and more. Some of our friends are still using their forces to be greedy. They are of good spirits. You just need to tell them to ok and to just believe in God. Soon, you will all be "Living" with the grateful, dead. They will embrace you with open arms. Do not worry my children. I have you in my grasps. Call out to all your loved ones they can hear you and want you to start getting ready to meet them once again. For the world is heading into the 5th dimension. All of you loved one cry out to set them free if you have them still in your hearts. Let them go. It is time for them to ascend into the light. Do not hold them down any longer. Let them be free. They will be with you soon enough. They love you more than anything in the universe. If you listen to the word you will see your loved ones soon. If you do not heed my warnings for a will come with my wrath. The people of the surface of the earth have to make the difference. 

Pay attention to the environment, the animals, your life wrapped up in greed and hate all of these things must be changed to make the ascension possible. How can you join me if you are not ready to change with me my children? I love you all and please listen to what I have had to say this letter has been written through a series of automatic writing sessions I have had with my son, Donny over the past few weeks. He has been in contact with many spirits; however, he is speaking my words now. I have written a full report of the Message at his website DELETED!!. Please take some time and read The Message posted there. It is heart felt, and came from this poor boys heart and through my spirit. We need some of your support that can understand that my son Donny is a poor boy is lost in this world. Writing the message of God to everyone. Please listen to what he has to say he is just The Messenger. Thank you all and God Bless. 

This is Don. I wanted to thank you for reading this far. I am just the person who is channeling this information to you. You can take with it with what you will. But I hope that you find this interesting reading material for your late night internet sessions. I would again like to thank you for reading God's letter to us all. If you have any questions about my Website feel free to call me all the contact information is in the text of the pages. Have a wonderful life and God Bless you all. 

 The Web Site address is again (deleted by the moderator of the group), 
Thank you, 
Don Gillson-Adams 

And the Response: 

 Don, if you would read my post that was a response to your earlier post, you would see why the God you think you are following is NOT the God of the Bible. The voices you are hearing and the spirits controlling you as you do your "automatic writing" are not of God, but are demonic. They have you deceived into believing they are from the true God. This is why you will find your posts have been deleted from our club board. Also, we do not want your URL posted on our board because it is full of false teachings. If you do it again, you will be banned from the group. 

If you would like to meet with one of our counselors to find out what the REAL God of the Bible is like, we'd be happy to share this with you. 

By the way, I do not believe that schizophrenia is your problem. I believe that the matter is a completely spiritual one where you are choosing to be controlled by spirits that are not of God and this is why you struggle with the problems you do. 

We can help you have relief from these things. The true God of the Bible CAN help you out of the demonic realm you are in right now. Jesus Christ said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." We can help you meet Jesus Christ and He can change your life! Please contact us at (redacted)@.... 

In the grace of the only true God our Savior, (Name redacted) 
P.S. I would REALLY be leary of a "god" who quotes from Forest Gump!
(emphasis added)

Want to read more of his rantings?  Go to:

Just copy and paste this link. 

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